Kick-off meeting for WOMENPOWERCODE held in Edinburgh

The kick-off meeting of this project was held in Edinburgh on 9th November 2017 and hosted by CIVIC Computing who lead the project. Representatives from all 7 partner organisations attended the meeting to plan the activities for the next six months of the project. These partners include:

Smoothing the gender gap in the IT sector

Studies on women active in Information Technology (IT) unveil that higher number of women who take up a digital career would benefit the digital industry, women themselves and Europe's economy. A change in policy is needed, particularly due to an alarming drop in female ICT graduates and the limited presence of women in the STEM area (science, technology, engineering and math) reflecting thus the gender gap acknowledged in the ICT sector.

Our aim is twofold:

  • to empower adult women who don’t have native digital skills and need to acquire them to enter the labour market equipped with new professional skills and qualifications, and;
  • to stimulate the new generation of young girls who have native digital skills empowering them to enter the STEM arena, thus smoothing the ICT gender gap.

If you are interested in getting involved in our project, please get in touch